What is essential oil therapy?
Essential Oils are the life blood of plants.
Essential oils work deeply through the physical body, but also affect healing on the mental and emotional and spiritual levels.
Aroma, and our sense of smell, is directly connected to mood, memory and emotion by its connection to the limbic system in the brain. Components of essential oils are known to cross the blood-brain barrier, directly affecting the central nervous system and the physical body.
Therapeutically, essential oils can be safely used to help reduce pain, alleviate headaches, lift mood, reduce anxiety, and much more, enhancing overall wellness.
Essential oil therapy is added to any bodywork or sound healing session at no additional charge.
I use the highest quality, highest frequency essential oils that I can find. Currently I am utilizing essential oils from Enfleurage and planetary essential oils from Harmonic Essentials.
If you have any questions about the oils that I am currently using, or what we may have incorporated into your session, please let me know.